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Kia Nation, we cannot express how happy we are that you’ve stopped by. Please continue scrolling, you’d love it here!


The word is so POWERFUL when said.

The design of every model makes your head turn.

Functionality, practicality, luxury and affordability is our mantra.

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  8070 Hits

Can I buy a Kia vehicle at this time?

Can I buy a Kia vehicle at this time? Can I buy a Kia vehicle at this time?

 (updated September 01, 2022)


In an effort to alleviate concerns, we've put together all relevant information concerning the current situation with CoVID-19 and Kia Trinidad Don Stephens.


Please use the message button below to speak with our sales rep Don


Are Kia Showrooms open to the public?

The health of our customers, their families and employees is of utmost importance to us. At this time, our showrooms are open however we kindly ask that you call or message to set up an appointment before visiting. 

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  19441 Hits

Can you afford a new car in Trinidad?

Imagination Don't let your imagination fly away.

(post updated September 01, 2021)


  • This is not an article showing you how to finance a loan for a new car in Trinidad.
  • This is not an auto/ car loan affordability or a payment calculator. That's what loans officers are for. We can put you on to one though. Just let us know :)
  • This is not an article to discuss whether you should buy a new or used car. We'll leave that debate for another time.
  • What this article is or what it should do, is help you determine if you 'can afford' a new car.

That's not the same as if you 'can afford (financially)' a new car. For example if you have TT$1000, technically you can afford to go to a nice enough restaurant, but if you need to pay your T&TEC and WASA  bills with that money, can you really 'afford' to buy that fancy meal? 


If you don't care about all this and would simply like to view our current specials. Then click here.


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  24090 Hits

Is Kia a 'luxury car' brand?

Can Kia build a Luxury Car? Can Kia build a Luxury Car?

(post updated September 01, 2022)




  • 'a state of great comfort or elegance, especially when involving great expense.
  • a desirable item which is expensive or difficult to obtain.




Do you base luxury on the brand name?

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  14013 Hits

4 Steps to buying a new Kia


(This post was updated September 01, 2022)
Get all the specs, colors, prices and more at your leisure without the traffic, parking problems and sales pressure.
When you let us know the following we can help you determine if you qualify for financing. 
Let us know -
  • Salary
  • If deposited to the bank
  • If permanent for more than 2 years
  • If any loans and if so the monthly payments. 
  • Who your bankers are
  • The more relevant details the better 
Touch and see your investment, choose your color, sign some forms once approved by bank
You’ll be driving away in your new ride. 

  16043 Hits

Should you buy a hybrid or fully electric car in Trinidad and Tobago?

Kia Niro Hybrid Trinidad Review Kia Niro Hybrid Trinidad Review

(post updated April 19, 2022)

* videos/photos created pre-covid


There's a lot of talk about hybrid/electric cars in Trinidad and Tobago these days but what's all the talk about and is it worth your time ... AND MONEY?



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  76061 Hits

Thank you for your support throughout 2021!

Thank you for your support throughout 2021!1 Thank you for your support throughout 2021!

What a year it's been! We've seen what was once unthinkable. Some of us have been affected more than others but surely we have all been touched by this pandemic. As we do what's necessary to preserve life, at KiaTrinidad we also want to look forward with hope. We would like to say thank you for your support and understanding throughout 2021. We loo...

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  4588 Hits

Kia Trinidad Prices: Rio Sport, Cerato & Sportage

Kia Trinidad 2021 Prices Kia Trinidad 2021 Prices

(updated April 19, 2022)


What a year it’s been! We’ve seen what was once unthinkable. Some of us have been affected more than others but surely we have all been touched by this pandemic. As we do what’s necessary to preserve life, at KiaTrinidad we also want to look forward with hope.

For those who wish to continue exploring our lineup, we are providing the below information on current promotions happening at Kia Trinidad.


For those whose focus is elsewhere at this time, we are sorry for the intrusion.


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  73530 Hits

Specials Happening at Kia Trinidad!

May Promotions at Kia Trinidad May Promotions at Kia Trinidad

(post updated April 19, 2022)


Feel like the car shopping experience is too much of a hassle? We make it really simple for you using kiatrinidad.com. Check out this easy 4 step process!



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  43750 Hits

Buying a New Car in Trinidad: Part I

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Kia Cerato Lx & Gt: An 'unbiased' introduction.

2019 Kia Cerato in Trinidad and Tobago 2019 Kia Cerato in Trinidad and Tobago

(post updated November 2, 2021)


Many years ago, long before ‘ROTFL – Roll on the Floor Laughing’ was a popular social media expression, people in Trinidad and Tobago were ‘Rolling on the Floor Laughing' because a Kia was driving by. The Korean brand wasn’t a charmer at first. Known for substandard workmanship and materials, Kia was one of those new cars you bought just to say you bought a new car. Fast forward 23 years and we can see the truth in the phrase - 'Who laughs last, laughs the best!'. For the past three years, the Cerato has been the best selling mid-sized sedan in Trinidad and Tobago.



Cerato LX$186,849.33
Cerato GT            $218,217.71
Qual. Income*$5500 - $7000/ mth
Monthly Instal.$2193 - $2616

* qualifying salary can be joint


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  70698 Hits

Kia Sportage Lx is now $210k!

Sportage Lx Special Promotion Sportage Lx Special Promotion

(please note this post was updated January 24, 2022 to reflect a price change: $225,725.96)


Don't pinch yourself too hard, you're awake. The #1 selling SUV in Trinidad is now the price of a sedan! When Mama said 'reach for the stars', she didn't know Kia would help.


Here's all that you need to know.


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  26579 Hits

The New Sportage Ex is here in Trinidad!

2019 Sportage Ex Features 2019 Sportage Ex Features

(post updated February 3, 2022)


Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) in Trinidad

What really makes an SUV worth the money? Is it more cargo capacity to pack what's needed for a Down the Islands trip or Maracas Beach run? Or maybe you're looking for a vehicle that can stand up to road conditions in Trinidad and Tobago? Or perhaps you prefer a vehicle that feels safer because it's larger and heavier?


Whatever your reason, gone are the days of feeling pressure to downsize because of vehicle cost. The #1 Selling SUV in Trinidad and Tobago is now as affordable as a sedan. And not to mention value-for-money. But don't just take our word for it, check it out for yourself.


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  27791 Hits

Kia Trinidad 2019 Clearance Sale!

Kia Trinidad Promotion Clearance Sale Kia Trinidad Promotion Clearance Sale


Please note this clearance promo has now expired. But you can view our current specials by visiting our Specials Page.



Clearance Sale 

: an event at a store, during which it sells products at a lower price than usual in order to sell quickly and make room for new items

: a sale of merchandise at reduced prices with a view to clearing it


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  54258 Hits

Is the Kia Soul a good car?

Kia Soul Trinidad Review Kia Soul Trinidad Review

(please note this post was updated February 3, 2020)


Short answer. YES.

Long answer. Read on ... 



You're looking for an SUV that's affordable. You want all the features one would expect in a vehicle made in 2019. The last thing you need is a gas-guzzler and please let there be a lot of space inside. Is it too much to ask that the seats are comfy also? Most important though, safety features are a must. 

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  11991 Hits

Open House at Kia Trinidad!

K ia Trinidad Open House Kia Trinidad Open House



8am - 3pm

P.o.s Showroom




No deposit

No instalments until March 2020

Special pricing & Financing

Low-interest rates



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  7389 Hits

Kia Trinidad 2019 Financing Promotion



Please note this promotion has now expired. But you can view our current specials by visiting our Specials Page.



... and we're back with our 2019 End of Year promotion, just for you lovely people ...

Fine. We'll get right to it:

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  10927 Hits

2020 Kia Niro Hybrid Promotion

Kia Trinidad Niro Promotion Kia Trinidad Niro Promotion

(post updated February 25, 2020)


Hybrid cars in Trinidad

  • Is it really possible to save gas and the environment while driving a car?
  • Is the answer to use a different type of gas?
  • What if you could switch your gas Engine OFF even while you drive?


The Kia Niro Hybrid can! Two hearts – one is the gasoline-powered engine. One is the electric powered motor. Together they beat as one – that’s called HYBRID.



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  50493 Hits

2020 Kia Cerato LX Promotion

Kia Trinidad 2019 Cerato on sale promotion Kia Trinidad 2019 Cerato on sale promotion

(post updated August 24, 2021)


Cerato Lx now comes with Android Auto Stereo 

Because it's time to get that phone 'Outta Hand' so you have full control of your new car! 



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  27876 Hits

Kia Trinidad K2700: Pickup, Truck, Van

Kia Trinidad K2700 Kia Trinidad K2700

(post updated August 30, 2022)


You won't find many options for commercial lightweight pickups, trucks or vans in Trinidad. Which makes choosing the right one for your business, that much harder. The least we can do is provide you with as much information as possible for our option: the Kia K2700. We'll give you the latest specs, prices, financing information, promotions and requirements to qualify for the K2700 pickup.


K2700 financial information

Qualifying income *$7000/ mth.
Monthly instalments$2500.00

* qualifying salary can be joint

Price includes tint, mats, alarm, GPS, central locking, power windows, tray liner, reverse sensors.

(updated: August 30, 2022)

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  54723 Hits